
52 weeks, 52 films, 52 reviews.

You get it.

Week 6(ish): Psychoanalysing The Piano, aka Everything is Bleak

Current concerns: Coronavirus: obvious Job: cinemas are closed down for the foreseeable future, oh dear Uni: my course is so unsuited to learning in isolation that we’ve had gentle recommendations to withdraw, yikes MAJOR CONCERN: I am haunted by this blog, and all the weakness, anhedonia and lack of commitment it represents. Potential coping strategy:…

Week 5: Parasite Micro-Review

In the wake of the Oscars yesterday, I thought it would be good to write about a film I have a lot of love for but don’t want to heavily discuss – Parasite. It’s tricky to describe, and I think audiences should go in blind. I am also two weeks behind (help) on this blog…

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